Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de la Creuse
Created in 1899, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Creuse is a public body governed by business leaders elected by their peers to represent and advocate for the interests of 4,500 businesses. It employs 20 people.
The CCI is a major player in the economic activity of the region, participating in all decisions concerning business and the planning of local economic development. Its management methods, skills and resources enable it to play an important role in advising and supporting businesses. It also offers a wide-ranging, constantly updated training programme in the field of apprenticeships and continuing education.
One objective that CCI Creuse pursues is to support the integration of people with fewer opportunities (e.g. people living in rural areas, people with disabilities, etc.) to support their economic and social resilience in their communities. The sustainable inclusion of these people is realised through the strengthening of inclusion ecosystems.
To this end, CCI Creuse has the expertise to contribute effectively to the analysis of their socio-economic needs, as well as to the needs of the labour market in its region. CCI Creuse then has the capacity to organize training courses and workshops so that knowledge of the geographical environment can help people with fewer opportunities to feel at ease in their social environment.
More generally, CCI Creuse wishes to contribute to improving knowledge on how to better support people with disabilities and, in general, people with fewer opportunities, especially in rural areas.
Solution: Solidarite et Inclusion
Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion is an association based in Paris that promotes social inclusion through non-formal education and training courses in Europe, in Paris and in its suburbs.
Solution aims at making the bridge between citizens and Europe in order to offer them the opportunity to benefit from European initiatives that will enable them to acquire new skills.
Thus, our main objectives are:
- Providing access to non-formal education to all groups, especially people who face obstacles in finding job and training offers.
- Promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual comprehension and appreciation.
- Fostering active participation in Europe and in European training and other educational activities funded by the EU Commission.
“KAINOTOMIA” is a certified Lifelong Learning Centre in Greece, which is active in the field of Vocational Education and Training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuing vocational training programmes for unemployed people, teachers of all levels of education, higher education students, employees/self-employed, and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and society in general, through innovative programmes.
“KAINOTOMIA” provides consultancy services to enterprises and support and advisory services to trainees to facilitate their (re)entry into the labour market. “KAINOTOMIA” has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise in training in modern fields, combining them with those that are in high demand in the labour market in order to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees for their integration into the labour market.
Furthermore, “KAINOTOMIA” participates in co-funded national programmes called “local development and entrepreneurship projects for unemployed people based on specific local needs and development potential.”
Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries
The Association of Thessalian Industries & Enterprises (STHEV) is the heart of the economic activity and business world in Thessaly and it also represents an established social partner, who resolutely contributes to the creation of favourable conditions which are in favour of business activities and of all economic development in general.
The Association was founded in 1957 in Larissa and it has members businesses and industries from various sectors. With its extensive experience STHEV has developed trust and cooperation relationships with its members.
STHEV basically aims at development based on powerful production methods and the competitiveness of the economy, but with special respect to the environment. As far as STHEV is concerned the central medium for this development is private initiative. The company is the heart of what we call free market economy and private initiative.
It is the Association’s obligation to defend private initiatives and to motivate the business world of Thessaly to correspond to society’s needs.
Camara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Badajoz
Founded in 1886, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz (Cámara Badajoz) is a Public Law Corporation established as a collaborative body of public governments. The Chamber’s mission is to represent, promote and defend the general interests of the economic structure in its region.
The organisation operates within the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, with a population of about 1,100,000 inhabitants. Currently it represents almost 45,000 enterprises and over the 99,9% out of them are SMEs.
Furthermore, in the last years, CCISB has been one of the leading Spanish Chambers in ERDF application.
The Chamber counts with expertise in European funding instruments for SMEs (INVEST HORIZON) and has specialized facilities for the operation of innovative industrial schemes by firms, this is, “NAVE4”. In addition, it has close connections to European and National Chamberal Systems and networks.
Asociación Valencia Inno Hub
Inno Hub is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent, technology, as well as personal and professional development. The NGO aims is to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and training actions, supporting the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and employment market.
Together with a special focus on disadvantaged society groups and their economic and social inclusion, Inno Hub believes in the necessity of change in the economic model in order to create a more competitive and value-adding economy, facilitating the necessary tools for our companies and individuals, and in this support of young people to make sure said change is perpetuated in time.