The Mindful Project
The retail sector, the largest employer in Europe, faces a labor shortage due to the current socioeconomic context. At the same time, people with disabilities (PwD) living in Europe face an employment gap (50.8% of them are employed compared to 75% of people without disabilities) and are not able to fully access the work environment, as the labor market has not been able to address the related challenges.
This situation is worse in rural areas for both retailers as employers and PwD as job seekers. All the above situation is burdened by the existence of various barriers (stereotypical beliefs and preconceptions, lack of guidance & information, etc.) that prevent retailers from employing PwD and need to be overcome.
The MINDful – proMoting INclusivity in retail workspaces for people with Disabilities in rural EU areas project is designed aiming to support retailers (entrepreneurs, human resources/store managers, and supervisors) located in rural EU areas through proper VET training provision in order to be able to:.
- recruit people with hearing, visual, or physical disabilities (PwHVPD)
- assist them properly at work
- organize the workspace
- adapt the working environment to be accessible and inclusive, thus promoting the inclusivity for PwHVPD in their workspaces
Target Groups
Retailers namely, retail business owners, Human Resources managers, and Store managers and supervisors
Direct target group
VET providers/trainers, associated with training in the retail sector
Direct target group
Staff of Chambers of Commerce/Business Association
Direct target group
People with hearing, visual, or physical disabilities (PwHVPD)
Indirect target group
- to create a practical and up-to-date training program for retailers in rural EU areas aimed at fostering inclusivity for people with hearing, visual, or physical disabilities (PwHVPD)
- to provide VET providers/trainers with a VET program focused on training retailers in rural EU areas to consider employing PwHVPD, aiming to contribute to reducing the employability gap they often encounter
- to increase awareness about inclusivity in retail workplaces among Chambers of Commerce staff, with the goal of promoting this concept to policymakers and encouraging them to adapt their strategies and efforts to better support retailers, especially in rural areas, in hiring PwHVPD
- to enhance VET sector flexibility through the partners’ collaborative creation of a versatile training program that could have cross-sector application
- to disseminate the project results and activities for optimal impact at local/regional, national, and EU levels

Project Results

The MINDful Retail Inclusivity Report, a digital book containing the 3 national reports that include the research results on the current status of inclusivity in the retail sector, the present and future challenges for the hiring and employment of PwHVPD in the sector, and insights and suggestions for inclusivity improvements in retail workspaces.
The MINDful training program, a set of modules on the topics of General Introduction to disabilities, Inclusivity in the hiring process and in workspace arrangement and signalization, Proper Behavior, Crisis management, Policy and legislation at national and EU levels, and Best Practices/Case Studies in the retail sector & the MINDful Storylines, a set of scenarios based on the topics of the MINDful training program that need to be resolved.
The MINDful Space, a platform containing the MINDful training program along with (self-)assessment questions, the MINDful Storylines, and inspirational vidcasts to inspire and encourage retailers to employ PwHVPD.